All posts by AttilaDimedici

November 25, 2024 Bible Study — Confess With Your Mouth That Jesus Is Lord

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Romans 8-10.

I do not fully comprehend the message which Paul has for us in today’s passage.  As I have said previously, Paul is trying to communicate the truths about an infinite God to people with finite minds, and Paul himself had a finite mind.  However, there is one point about which I am sure.  I have no basis to claim to be better than anyone else.  I was not saved because of anything I have done.  I have been reconciled to God because of His mercy, not because of my desire or effort.  My action can bring me no closer to God, only by God drawing me to Him can I approach Him.  Which brings me to another point which I see in this passage. We, who love the Lord, need to tell others about what He has done for us so that they also might come to know Him.  In today’s passage, Paul writes that God has mercy on who He would have mercy, and hardens those whom He wishes to harden against Him.  Yet he ends today’s passage by telling us that held out His hands to those who were disobedient.  As I said, I have no basis to claim to be better than anyone else, because all that I do with any good to it results from what God has done in and to me.  And if I were to pursue sin and wickedness I would have no basis to claim to be worse than others because there also I would be constrained by what God chose to make of me.

Really, there are two messages in today’s passage.  First, we are saved by God’s mercy and the faith which it inspires within us.  Second, that faith comes from hearing the message, so once we have been brought to God through the faith He gives us by His mercy, we are obligated to preach that message to others so that they too might come to put their faith in Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 24, 2024 Bible Study — Abraham as an Example of Faith

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Romans 4-7.

I really like the first three chapters of Romans, but starting with chapter four I often find it difficult to follow Paul’s logic.  I am not saying that it is not logical, just that the case he is making is convoluted enough that I struggle to follow it.  And for all the difficulty I have following the logic arguments which Paul makes, I am pretty sure I understand the conclusion which his logic is designed to support.  Part of the reason it is so hard to follow the argument which Paul is making here is because we, as humans with finite minds, are trying to wrap our heads around God’s infinite wisdom.  Which brings me to what I want to write about from today’s passage.  At the end of chapter three Paul had made the claim that our righteousness, our reconciliation with God, comes through faith, not through any action of which we may boast.  Here in chapter four he begins to make the case supporting this claim starting with Abraham.  Paul argues that the Old Testament told us that Abraham was considered righteous, not because of anything he had done, but because of his faith.  In the same way, we have righteousness solely because of our faith, not because of anything we have done.  As part of the case he is making, Paul illustrates Abraham’s faith by telling us that Abraham’s faith did not weaken when God made the promise even though he was already almost one hundred years old, and Sarah was already past her childbearing years.  Paul tells us that Abraham’s faith did not weaken and was sufficient to be counted as righteousness, even though Abraham had taken Hagar to his bed in order to have a child with her, despite the fact that God had told him the promise would be fulfilled through a child he would have with Sarah.  And earlier, Abraham had, on two separate occasions, told people that Sarah was his sister because he was afraid that if they knew she was his wife they would kill him in order to take her for their own.  Despite these things, Paul tells us that he did not waver in his faith.  Which puts in perspective what it means to have faith in God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 23, 2024 Bible Study — God’s Qualities Have Been Clearly Seen From the Beginning

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Romans 1-3.

After introducing himself and laying out his desire to visit the believers in Rome, Paul lays out his theology.  I find it interesting that he segues into it from talking about the faith of the believers in Rome.  Paul tells us that the gospel, the good news, is the power of God which brings salvation to everyone who believes.  The gospel reveals the righteousness of God, a righteousness which exists solely through faith.  That leads Paul to write that God’s wrath against wickedness is being revealed.  In particular, God’s anger is directed at those who suppress the truth in order to hide their wickedness.  Paul tells us that they suppress the truth because God has made His eternal power and divine nature plain to be seen and understood from what He made.  When it comes to knowing God we have no excuse.  One thing that struck me as I read this is that while Paul says “they” about those who knew God but chose not to glorify Him as God, he really means all of us, a point he makes later when he references where David in Psalms said that everyone has sinned, that all have turned away from God.  Paul writes that we exchanged the truth about God for a lie and instead of serving and worshiping God we worshiped and served created things.  So, since we did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, which He made plain in His creation, He gave us over to our depraved minds, leading us to do that which ought not be done.  If we condemn others, we judge ourselves because we have made the same mistake.  Just like those who we see wallowing in wickedness, we too rejected knowledge of God, but somehow, through His grace, we have been led to repentance.  We are in position to condemn others because we are just as guilty.  Our salvation results from our faith.  That faith will be credited to us as righteousness, and God will work through that to cause us to good works.  We have nothing to boast about because everything we do of value comes because God reached through our depraved minds and redeemed us.  It is through God’s grace that we gain understanding and learn to love, have mercy, and live with fidelity.  Before God’s grace we were full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice, with God’s grace we learn to love and have mercy, and gain understanding.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 22, 2024 Bible Study — Short Time or Long, Pray That God Reaches Those We Meet

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Acts 26-28.

The first thing that struck me about this passage is the insights we get about sailing on the Mediterranean Sea during the First Century, including a bit about how decisions were made on ships.  I’m not going to write about those details, I just wanted to bring up the ways in which Luke’s writing provides us insight.  So, now that I have covered that I will get on with the heart of my study for today.  Paul’s testimony in his own defense before Governor Festus and King Agrippa teaches us a lot.  While Paul’s testimony is about his specific calling, I believe that some aspects of it apply to all followers of Christ.  Our first calling is to turn people from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God.  Some of us are called to do so by speaking, teaching, and preaching, as Paul was.  Others of us have been called to do so by our actions, demonstrating what it means to live in the light by the power of God.  However, whichever way we are called as our primary ministry, we need to do the other as well.  Those of us who are called to reach people with words need to live according to what we preach.  Those of us who are called to reach people though our actions need to speak so as to make clear what motivates us to take those actions.

Of course, we also need to take note of the reaction which Paul received here.  Festus thought Paul was crazy, and Agrippa essentially said, “Well, I’ll think about it.”  In response to Festus’ skepticism about God’s power (Festus thought Paul was crazy for saying that Christ was raised from the dead), Paul appealed to Agrippa, for whom Festus had already demonstrated respect for his opinion, and whom Paul knew to believe in God’s power (as well as having been in the area when Jesus was crucified).  Paul reacted to Agrippa’s hesitancy by saying that he wished everyone listening would accept Christ’s teaching, no matter how long it took.  Despite the resistance to Paul’s message, he did not become discouraged.  We see that by the fact that almost the first thing he did when he arrived in Rome was to reach out to the Jewish leaders there and preached to them.

I want to add that when Paul spoke to the Jews in Rome, he used the Old Testament in his attempt to persuade them about Jesus.  Which once again reminds us of the importance of reading and studying the Old Testament.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 21, 2024 Bible Study — Do Not Speak Evil of the Ruler of Your People, Not Even When They Are Conspiring to Kill You

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 23-25.

The first thing I want to write about is when Paul apologizes for insulting the high priest by quoting Exodus 22:28, which says “Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people.”  Although Paul quotes it as saying “Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people.”  Which is something we need to remember when we believe that the rulers of our nation are in some way inadequate or bad.  It is definitely a reminder which I need.  The next thing which I wanted to write about was the 40 men who vowed to not eat or drink anything until they had killed Paul.  They never did kill Paul, so did they starve themselves to death?  Or, did they break their oath?  That is just a minor curiosity which struck me a few years ago, but that I never felt like writing about until now.  More significant is the fact that they conspired with the chief priests, which would have included the man about whom Paul said he should not have spoken evil, in their attempt to execute this plot.  Then later, after a new governor was appointed over Judea, the chief priests again attempted to arrange a chance to get Paul to where they could ambush and kill him.  Again, another group about whom Paul’s belief that he should not speak evil about the ruler of his people would apply.  So, if Paul apologized for speaking evil of the ruler of his people who was conspiring with people to kill him, I don’t think we have any room to justify speaking evil of our rulers today.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 20, 2024 Bible Study — Did God Send Prophets to Convince Paul to Not Go to Jerusalem?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Acts 21-22.

Whenever I read yesterday’s and today’s passage I wonder about whether or not it was God’s plan for Paul to be arrested and sent to Rome as a prisoner.   As I read it, there are three possibilities.  One, God was warning Paul about what would happen if he went to Jerusalem in order to dissuade him from going there.  Two, God was warning Paul what would happen if he went to Jerusalem in order to offer him the choice of avoiding it.  Three, God warned Paul about what would happen when he got to Jerusalem in order to test his willingness to suffer for Christ, and to prepare the Church for it.  Which of these you believe to be the correct interpretation changes how you interpret what the Jerusalem Church elders asked Paul to do.  If you believe interpretation two or three, then Paul acting to show that he still followed the Law of Moses was the right thing to do, even though it led to his arrest.  If you believe interpretation one, then Paul was foolish to worry about what other believers thought of him.  Now that I have spelled it out that way I am less inclined to think that option one is the correct way to read this.  If one looks at it in that light, then Paul joining with a few others to go through the purification rites is completely in line with what he writes in Romans 14. “Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.”

In summation, I believe that God gave Paul the choice of suffering by being imprisoned and eventually killed, or continuing in this world, and Paul chose to suffer and die for Christ.  I do not believe that Paul would have been wrong to choose to not go to Jerusalem, but also that he was blessed because he did.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 19, 2024 Bible Study — Learning That Studying the Old Testament Is Not Enough

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Acts 19-20.

The first thing which stood out to me when I read this passage was that Paul found twelve disciples when he arrived in Ephesus, the same as the number of Apostles Jesus called.  I believe Luke mentioned that number because he was struck by it as well.  The context suggests that these men had come to believe in Jesus because of the teaching by Apollos.  As I read this part of today’s passage to write about these disciples I took notice that they had not even heard that there was a Holy Spirit.  Considering that, up to this point, Apollos’ teaching about Jesus was primarily based on his understanding of the Old Testament, this highlights how the New Testament reveals things about God which are not apparent from the Old Testament.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 18, 2024 Bible Study — Using the Old Testament to Preach the Gospel

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 17-18.

I am not sure why I keep feeling like I need to write about teaching the Gospel from the Old Testament, but that is where I am again today.  Today’s chapter begins with Luke saying that it was Paul’s custom to go into the synagogue in every new city he visited and reason from Scripture (which at that time meant the Old Testament) that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead.  We see he did that in Thessalonica.  Then in Berea Luke tells us that the Jews examined the Scripture to see if what Paul said was true.  Then towards the end of today’s passage we have the account of Apollos in Ephesus.  Luke tells us that Apollos had thorough knowledge of the Scripture and taught about Jesus accurately, even though he only knew of the baptism of John.  After receiving some instruction from Aquila and Priscilla, Apollos went to Achaia and publicly debated Jews there, proving from Scripture that Jesus was the Messiah.  Having written all of that, I think I realized why I am feeling the need to write about teaching the Gospel from the Old Testament.  I do not believe that I could do what Paul or Apollos did, proving that Jesus was the Messiah from the Old Testament.  However, reading Acts this year, I am coming to believe that I should be able to do so.  I believe that we should study the Old Testament in order to show how it presents the Gospel and predicts what happened to Jesus.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 17, 2024 Bible Study — Standing Up to the Crowd, Even When They Praise You

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Acts 14-16.

The first thing which struck me was that the people of Lystra spoke a local language which was neither Greek nor Latin.  Two things are significant about that local language.  One, that Paul, Barnabas, and the rest of their party did not speak it.  And, two, that scholars accept that such a language was spoken there even though Luke is the only writer of the period to mention it (writings by other writers of the period support the idea that the people of this area were of a unique ethnicity in ways which would be consistent with them having their own language).  Of greater significance is the way the crowd went from wanting to worship Paul and Barnabas as gods to stoning Paul to death (or, so they thought).  Also of interest is that after they were finished in the city of Derbe, Paul and Barnabas returned to Lystra, where Paul was stoned and left for dead, Iconium, which they had left because people there were plotting to kill them, and Pisidian Antioch, which had expelled them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

November 16, 2024 Bible Study — Who Am I to Think That I Can Stand in God’s Way?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Acts 11-13.

Today I was struck by what Peter said when he was explaining why he baptized the members of Cornelius’ household.  Actually, the whole story of Peter explaining his visit with Cornelius is striking.  We often forget that because we are so familiar with the story.  Luke tells us that when Peter returned to Jerusalem after visiting with Cornelius, the “circumcised believers” criticized him for entering the house of uncircumcised men and eating with them.  It is worth noting that at this point, that would have been all of the believers other than Cornelius and his household.  After explaining his vision, the fact that men sent by Cornelius arrived as soon as it ended, and Cornelius’ account of the angel, Peter said, “So if God gave them the same gift he gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could stand in God’s way?”  Then throughout the rest of today’s passage we have accounts of what happens when people attempt to stand in God’s way.  Herod imprisoned Peter and God sent an angel to free him.  A short time later Herod was struck down by a terrible disease.  During Saul’s and Barnabas’ first mission trip when Elymas tried to turn the proconsul away from Christ, he was struck blind.  I do not wish to suffer the fate of those who try to stand in God’s way.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.