August 8, 2017 Bible Study — The Winds Of Destruction Are Beginning To Blow

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 4-6.

    Today’s passage is a warning and a condemnation of the people of Jerusalem. It is worth noting that Jeremiah began prophesying during the reign of King Josiah, the last righteous king of Jerusalem before the Exile. Yet even during the reign of Josiah, Jeremiah condemns the people of Jerusalem for their dishonesty and wickedness. Jeremiah tells us that the common people dealt dishonestly with each other. They would speak oaths in the Lord’s name that they had no intention of keeping. He goes on to tell us that the elites, the educated, and those from “good” families were just as guilty. I want to repeat, Jeremiah made this prophecy during the reign of Josiah, a righteous king who sought to lead the people to serve the Lord. As a result of this prevalent dishonesty, Jeremiah prophesied the fall of Jerusalem and the exile of its people.

    Jeremiah condemns the people saying that from the least to the greatest they were greedy for gain. They bandage over serious problems rather than actually treating them. They call for peace and unity when there are deep divisions. Jeremiah’s description of the people of Jerusalem sounds like the people of today. God is calling on us to walk in His ancient path of righteousness, promising that if we do we will find rest for our souls. But people refuse to do so. God has sent prophets to call us back to Him, to warn us of the coming destruction. Yet, as a people we refuse to listen. If we do not soon change our ways, God will bring destruction upon us as He did upon Jerusalem so many years ago.

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