August 8, 2015 Bible Study — Imitate Me As I Imitate Christ (And Not As I Fail To Do So)

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Proverbs 20:28-30

    A ruler is secure when he is loved by his people. He will be loved by his people when he demonstrates that he loves them by doing what is in their best interest, not what is in his own best interest. This applies even in governments which are variations of democracy. If the people, who are the rulers in such governments, vote for what is in the best interest of their fellow citizens rather than just what they perceive is in their own interest, the government will be strong and well-loved. When the people vote for they perceive as being in their own interest rather than what they believe to be in the best interest of others, the government will be weak and hated. In the latter case, it will be replaced by a government whose rulers, at best, have the appearance of answering to the people, but do not.


Psalm 30

    All too often when times are good we respond just as the psalmist did. We think that nothing will ever go wrong again and that our success is a product of our own skill. We forget God, or minimize the amount of time we spend with Him. I am as guilty of this as the next person. Sometimes, we think that our success is evidence that we are doing God’s will and that therefore we do not need to seek time in communion with Him. If we make that mistake, God will discipline us and act to bring us back to Him. If we once more turn to Him and seek His will He will turn our mourning to joy.


1 Corinthians 4

    Paul tells us not to judge ourselves, nor should we fell condemned by the judgement of others. The only judgement which matters is that of God. We should not judge ourselves as better than others, especially not on the basis of which human leaders we follow.
    Paul urges the Corinthians to imitate him. Let us seek to follow leaders whom we can imitate and by imitating them we are imitating Christ. We should strive to live our lives in such a manner that when others imitate us they are imitating Christ.


Ezra 7:1-8:20

    The king of Persia recognized the value of people following God’s law. He encouraged Ezra to travel to Jerusalem and appoint judges and magistrates who would judge according to God’s laws. Artaxerxes also encourage Ezra to teach God’s law to those who did not already know it.

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