August 7, 2016 Bible Study — God Will Put His Words In Our Mouth

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 1-3.

    When God called Jeremiah He told him that He knew him before he was even conceived. This is not the only place in Scripture where God states that He knew and planned a mission for someone before they were born. The fact of the matter is that God has called each and every one of us to serve Him according to a plan which God made before we were born. God knows our weaknesses and our limitations. He has taken them into account. When God calls us, we are not too young, or too inexperienced, or too old, for that matter. That does not mean that we should not be aware of our weaknesses and limitations. Instead, when we feel God’s call let us seek how we can overcome our limitations which might interfere with us fulfilling the task to which He is calling us.


    When God calls us to speak, He will put His words in our mouths. I strive to speak only the words which He has given me, but I know that sometimes I speak words which I should not, words which do not come from God. However, God warns us, just as He did Jeremiah, not to be afraid of the people. If we do not speak because we are afraid of how people will react to what we have to say, God will make us look foolish in front of them, or worse. People will fight against us when we tell them the words which God has given us, but if we are faithful to speak only God’s words they will fail.

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