August 7, 2014 Bible Study — To Be Truly Wise, Become a Fool

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Proverbs 20:26-27

    Government officials who seek the good of their people and land will not allow the wicked to band together. Rather in the interest of the people he governs, and in his own interest, he will scatter the wicked and then crush those he can catch.
    The light of God’s Spirit will penetrate our innermost being, revealing secrets and motives we did not realize we possessed.


Psalm 29:1-11

    The psalmist calls on us to honour the Lord (the translation notes mention that the phrase rendered “heavenly beings” could be translated “Sons of God”). We should honour god for His glory and His strength. The psalmist reminds us that the voice of the Lord can transform the world. It can split mighty trees and twist them to His will. It can strike like lightning and cause the earth to quake. Let us remember this when we see injustice and oppression in the world. When we speak God’s words, we are speaking with the voice of God which has the power to transform the world. We may be weak and powerless in the eyes of this world, but when we allow God’s Spirit to move through us, the earth will be shaken to its core.


1 Corinthians 3:5-23

    Those of us who are called to preach and teach the Gospel (which to at least some degree is all of us) need to remember Paul’s humility here. Some need to plant the seed, introduce people to the Gospel message. Others need to water that seed, teach people how to follow the Gospel and be disciples of Jesus. But in either case, it is God who causes the seed to grow. It does not matter who first introduces someone to the Gospel, nor does it matter who teaches them how to follow God. Both such people are merely God’s servants, doing as they have been instructed. The glory and praise belongs to God who sent them.
    Paul then changes metaphor to that of building. There is only one foundation on which we can build anything lasting. As long as we build on that foundation, which is Jesus Christ, we will be saved. We can use any materials we like. However, our building will be tried by fire, if it survives we will be rewarded. But even if it does not, as long as we built on that firm foundation we will receive salvation.
    Paul concludes this whole lesson (going back to the passage we covered yesterday) by reminding us that if we think we are wise using the world’s standards of wisdom, we are deceiving ourselves. If we want to be truly wise we must be willing to become fools according to the way the world measures things.


Ezra 4:24-6:22

    Because the returned Exiles had refused the assistance of those who lived around them when they returned, work on rebuilding the Temple was delayed for many years. When Darius became king of Persia, God sent prophets who inspired those who by then were leading the people to resume construction. When the officials set by the Persians to rule the area discovered that work had resumed, they demanded to know by what authority the Exiles were doing this. The Exiles referenced Cyrus’ proclamation and continued to work. The officials sent word to Darius requesting a ruling. Darius replied that not only was the work not to be obstructed, but that the local officials were to supply resources to aid in the construction. If we are faithful, God will cause even those who oppose us to aid us in serving His purposes.

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