August 6, 2017 Bible Study — Having a Humble and Contrite Heart

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 64-66.

    Do not blame God if your troubles overwhelm you. He is ready to help if you ask Him for it. Do not claim that God does not make Himself obvious when you are not even looking for Him. People claim that God does not help them when they are unwilling to follow His commands. They claim that there is no evidence for God when they do not wish to find Him. People who are busy defiling themselves isolate themselves from those they consider impure. When I first read this I saw it as applying to two groups, but as I started to write I realized that both groups are variations on the same mistake. When the prophet condemns those who say, “Don’t come too close or you will defile me! I am holier than you!” he is speaking to everyone who will not associate with those they consider unclean. There are those who call themselves Christian who will have nothing to do with those who do not because they are afraid it will defile them. There are those who will not associate with those who hold differing political views because they think those others are evil. We cannot serve as God’s hands and feet to reach those He desires to draw to Him if we will not associate with those who do not yet know Him. IF we think we are holier than others, we are defiling ourselves. It is only when we have a humble and contrite heart, when we acknowledge our unworthiness before God, that we will begin to experience the holiness which comes from Him. It is then that He will transform us into holy people.

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