August 6, 2016 Bible Study — Holier Than Thou?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 64-66.

    Since the beginning of time, no one has seen or heard of another god like our God. He is ready to welcome and aid those who gladly do good, yet quick to pour out His anger on those who defy Him by treating others wickedly. Despite this all of mankind fails to do good. Each and every one of us has sinned and deserve God’s wrath. Our good deeds pale in comparison to our wicked actions. Even so, God molds us a potter molds clay. He is working to form us into a vessel which will bring honor to His name.


    There are those who go their own way and worship idols while claiming to worship God. They are busy doing things which God declared to be an abomination while declaring themselves more holy than others. As I read this passage I am reminded of a link I saw posted on Facebook today. It talks about how those who preach prosperity through faith are preaching a false gospel. We cannot worship God and money, or fame, or sex. There are many things which we worship in God’s place, and most of them boil down to worshiping ourselves. I am really torn here because I do believe that we need to focus on the message Scripture has for us, rather than the message we see directed at others. Yet, I see so much of this passage which describes so many in our society today. However, I will also point out that there is a portion directed at us. Let us not give in to the temptation to consider ourselves more righteous than others. I know that I am a sinner who desperately needs God’s forgiveness and grace. Nevertheless I need to constantly remind myself that I am no better than those whose sins seem so obvious to me.

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