August 31, 2024 Bible Study — As a Nation We Have Forgotten How God Has Blessed Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 16.

I generally do not like applying prophecies about Israel, or Judah, to modern society.  However, as I read today’s passage I could not help but think that Ezekiel’s description of how God found the nation of Israel as an abandoned baby, cared for it as a child, raised it to adulthood, and took it as His wife could be seen to apply to the United States, and perhaps other modern nations.  This does not mean that I think the United States, or any other modern nation (perhaps some biblical prophecies concerning Israel apply to modern Israel), is God’s chosen people, merely that there certainly seems to be an element of God taking an orphaned nation under His care in the history of the United States.  Likewise, Ezekiel’s description of Judah trusting in its “beauty” and becoming a “prostitute” by turning from God to various forms of idolatry also applies to the behaviors of the people of the United States.  All of this emphasizes the importance of working to repair the “wall” which Ezekiel wrote about in yesterday’s passage.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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