August 31, 2023 Bible Study — God Has Cared for His People, and We Have Betrayed Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 16.

Ezekiel compares the way God treated Jerusalem, and all of the Israelites, to someone who found a baby girl abandoned by her mother right after birth.  In fact the comparison is to a newborn which was purposefully left to die in the wilderness.  Instead of allowing them to die, God cared for them and provided for their needs.  Then, in the analogy, when the girl reached womanhood, rather than leaving her to be taken advantage of by whatever man came along, God married her and continued to provide for her.  God showed love and care for His people, when the “ways of the world” suggest that He could have used “her” for His desires and abandoned “her” when He was finished with “her”.  Rather than respond to the love which God showered on them, the people of Jerusalem (and all of Israel) unfaithfully chased after others.  They took the rich gifts which God had given them and spent them on getting the attention of others.  They failed to see how following the laws and morals which God gave them had also given them the luxuries and happiness which they acquired.  Instead, they took the luxuries which came from belonging to God and used them to cheat on Him.  God has treated each of us much the same way, and we have responded by betraying His love.  However, God still loved the people of Israel and brought them back to Himself.  He will do the same for us if we allow Him to do so.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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