August 31, 2021 Bible Study — In What Ways Are We Sacrificing The Good Things God Gave Us To Idols?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 16.

I get somewhat uncomfortable when I write about today’s passage because the metaphor which Ezekiel uses here offends the sensibilities of our society.  However, the important thing to remember is that this was just a metaphor intended to communicate how thoroughly dependent upon God the people of Judah, and we ourselves, were for everything which they had.  Rather than be grateful to God for all that they had, they sought after others to take His place.  They took the gifts which God had given them and used them to entice others (both idols and nations) to take the place which God should have held in their lives.  And not only did they offer the material gifts which God had given them, they killed the children which He had given them, His children.  In some ways, Ezekiel’s metaphor is one of the strongest anti-abortion passages in the Bible.  The children which are killed in abortion are both a gift from God being thrown away in order to gain favor with some other god and themselves God’s children.  Of course the children being sacrificed are not just the ones lost to abortion, but our society sacrifices the children which God has given us in many other ways.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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