August 31, 2016 Bible Study — Everything We Have Is a Gift From God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 16.

    Today’s passage is about the Jewish people, God’s special care for them, and their unfaithfulness. However, much of the message can be applied to other nations and peoples, to a limited degree, even to individuals. The opening point is that everything we have in life was given to us by God. If we had parents who cared for us, it is because God planned for them to be there to do so. Every good thing which I have obtained in this life came to me as a gift from God. They are not mine to use as I choose. They are mine to use in service to God.


    It is bad enough when we use the material possessions which God has given us to honor other gods, when we take the wonderful gifts which God has given us out of His love for us and use them to express love for that which defies Him. But when we go further and sacrifice our own children to the gods of convenience and self we go too far. This is true whether we do it on a personal level or on a societal level. I have often heard it said that slavery was the “original sin” of the United States. Perhaps it was, but as horrendous as slavery was, abortion dwarfs it in the evil it visits on our society.

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