August 30, 2023 Bible Study — Repair the Wall, Don’t Just White Wash It

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 13-15.

Ezekiel starts today’s passage with a prophecy against those who preach, but do not have, or even seek, a message from God.  He compares them to people who coat a wall with whitewash rather than repair the damage.  When he makes this prophecy he refers to those who speak in platitudes instead of speaking the hard words with which God condemns sin.  We have similar people today, people who are busy telling people that God blesses their sins rather than calling them to change their ways.  He goes on to condemn those who seek to profit from speaking spiritual messages which they have created out of their own imagination.  Finally, Ezekiel condemns those who have created their own idols within themselves, but then seek guidance from those to whom God speaks.  So, rather than look to “prophets” who will tell us that everything is OK, let us turn from whatever idols get between us and God and renounce the detestable practices we have fallen into.  Seek to rebuild the wall of righteousness which protects the land, starting with yourself.  Just as I need to start with myself.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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