August 30, 2018 Bible Study — Do Not Seek Out Those Who Tell You What You Want To Hear

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 13-15.

    In today’s passage Ezekiel speaks out against two types of people who offer spiritual guidance. First, he condemns those who claim to speak on behalf of God but have not actually listened to what He has to say. Rather than seek God and the message He would have for the people they tell people what they want to hear. Rather than strengthen the walls that hold back the suffering and destruction which result from sins, they merely cover up the weak spots. As I read this I think of the religious leaders whose messages seem designed to gain social acceptance rather than to call people to righteousness. This first category of false prophet whom Ezekiel called out are the public religious leaders, those who are called “Reverend”, or “Pastor”, or some other term which implies they speak God’s word who do not actually listen to what God has to say. The second category are those who are “spiritual, but not religious”. They “bless” objects, burn incense, and conduct other private rituals which give them a sense of connection to the spiritual. But again they do not risk actually listening to what God has to say because they might then need to stop doing something which God tells them is wrong. I like to call both of these groups the “no cost” religious. They want the benefits of being spiritual without the cost. They are happy to condemn those sins which neither they nor their followers would ever consider committing, but will find reasons to excuse those which God’s Spirit is actually convicting them about.

    Both of these groups of “prophets” exist because we have set up idols in our hearts, because we embrace things which lead us to sin. Rather than turn from our idolatry and sin we seek prophets who will tell us that they are OK. When we seek out religious and spiritual guides who will tell us that we do not need to turn away from our sin God will not answer our questions. When we know what God asks of us, but seek out those who will tell us something else we will soon receive God’s judgment for our sins.

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