August 30, 2017 Bible Study — Let Us Repair the Breaches In the Walls

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 13-15.

    Ezekiel prophesied against the false prophets who speak on behalf of God, but have not heard a message from God. This message is directed against those who want to tell others to do the right thing but do not listen to what God says is the right thing. Rather than repair the cracks in the wall of integrity which keeps evil out, they paper over them with platitudes. The dangerous part about reading this passage is that it is easy to point to others and say, “This applies to them. They are doing exactly what Ezekiel prophesied against.” However, we need to read this passage and examine how it may apply to ourselves. This is where reading the Bible through repeatedly has value. I know that later in this book Ezekiel calls for someone to stand in the breaches in the wall. Knowing that tells me that I need to look to see what I have done to repair the breaches in the wall of integrity. Am I repairing the cracks in my integrity, or am I papering over them? Because God is sending winds, hail, and rain. If our integrity is intact we will be able to withstand the coming storm, but, if not, the wind will blow us away, the hail will hammer us into the ground, and the rain will wash the earth clean of us. This is one of those passages which calls us to examine ourselves and put our lives in order. But it also calls on us to examine our society and call those around us to live with integrity. The storm is coming and, as we see in Texas, it is not enough to be prepared ourselves, we need to help our neighbors prepare as well.

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