August 3, 2018 Bible Study — God’s Ways Are Higher Than Our Ways

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 52-56.

    Those who bring the news of God’s salvation to people are beautiful to those who receive their message. We should never forget this because the reverse is true as well. Those who know the news of God’s salvation and fail to pass it on are ugly to those who suffer for not hearing it. If we do not share what we know about God’s saving grace to those we know, they will, rightfully, condemn us in days to come. Let us not fail in our duty.

    I have been really stuck for a bit figuring out what I want to write about chapter 53. It is a very strongly prophecy of the Messiah and for Christians it clearly points to Jesus and His suffering. The word pictures which Isaiah paints here of what Jesus went through in order to reconcile us with God should touch our souls. They are meant to touch our souls. God seeks to restore our relationship with Him, and through Jesus He has made that possible. And yet, so many of us still refuse to listen to the love He offers us.

    Then we come to chapter 55, which gives us a great idea of how good God will be to us. Communism tries to embody what God is offering here. The problem is that Communism wants to do it without turning to God. If you are hungry or thirsty, come to God and He will provide what you need. If we turn to God, He will do great things for us. In order to enjoy God’s offer of bounty, the wicked must change their ways, and, from what was written earlier in today’s passage, the “wicked” includes every one of us.
    Communism fails because God’s thoughts are not like our thoughts and His ways are not like our ways. Communism only works if everyone buys in wholeheartedly, but it provides no mechanism to transform wicked humanity into the godly people needed for it to work. God’s system on the other hand only requires each of us individually to “buy in”, and God will transform those who allow Him to do so. We do not, and cannot, understand how it works, but God sends out His word into the world and it transforms people. We can never predict how that transformation will take place. God’s Spirit reaches out and transforms people we would never expect. His words never fail to accomplish the purpose for which they were spoken.
    I want to write more, but I must move on to other parts of my day. Read the passage, especially chapters 53, 55, and 56. If we wish it, God will give us a place in His family.

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