August 28, 2023 Bible Study — Leaders Commit Socially Acceptable Sins in Public, but Hide Worse Behavior

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 5-8.

In today’s passage Ezekiel prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem and the people living there.  His prophecy calls for almost complete destruction of everyone living in and near Jerusalem, which seems somewhat frightening when we think about how closely our society fits his condemnation of the people of Jerusalem.  However, as we read a little further we see that this destruction came about because of their actions.  God promised to repay them for their detestable conduct.  He would bring judgement on them according to their own standards.  In the same way, God will bring judgement upon people today…they will be judged by their own standards.

God then gives Ezekiel a vision of the people in Jerusalem.  The first part shows Ezekiel the idolatry and sin which the people of Jerusalem were doing in full view of the public, but God tells him the people are committing even more detestable acts in private than what they do in public.  God shows how the leaders of Jerusalem each pursued their own idolatry, their own agenda, in private.  Publicly, these leaders proclaimed themselves servants of the people and sharing common values with the people, but in private they pursued their own interests, interests which the fact that they kept them private suggest the people would have found reprehensible.  We see the same thing among our leaders today; in public they say one thing, but in private they do another.  What they say in public is bad enough, but what they keep hidden is worse.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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