August 24, 2017 Bible Study — Even The Most Powerful Are Subject To God’s Judgment

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 51-52.

    When Jeremiah prophesied that Babylon would fall it was the most powerful nation on earth. It had not yet reached the peak of its power. Nevertheless, Jeremiah predicted that God would destroy it for the sins of its people. The important lesson here for us is that no matter how powerful, no matter how wealthy, a nation, business, or person may be they are not exempt from experiencing the consequences of their sins. God used Babylon to accomplish His purpose to punish the people of Jerusalem, but that did not protect them from the consequences of their sins. In the same way, no nation, or person, will escape God’s judgment today. We will experience the consequences of our sins.

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