August 24, 2015 Bible Study

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Proverbs 21:30-31

    No matter how smart, wise, and knowledgeable you are, if you make plans which run counter to God’s plans they will fail. No matter how well prepared you are, you will only succeed if God ordains it to be so.


Psalm 39

    We often sin by what we say, especially what we say when in the presence of those who do not love the Lord. However, the answer is not keeping quiet, it is not failing to respond to the provocations of the wicked. No, the answer is to acknowledge our sin and turn to the Lord. The way to avoid sinning by what we say is to ask God to guide our words and acknowledge that we will not live long enough to have all of the answers (or even most of them). Let us remember that we are but travelers passing through this life. It is not our home.


1 Corinthians 15:29-58

    Paul continues his argument in favor of the idea that there will be a resurrection of the dead. Actually, Paul’s argument is more than that; he is arguing that there is more to life than just the material world, that our existence does not end with our death. If our existence ends with our death, than there is no reason why we should not do whatever brings us pleasure. The belief that our existence ends with our death is what led to the Columbine shootings and many other mass murders.
    One of the arguments made against the resurrection of the dead is the nature of our bodies. The argument is a many faceted one, including such things as, “But what about people whose bodies are destroyed (either through cremation, or being eaten by wild animals, or some other means)?” Paul’s answer is simple. The natural body we wear in this life is not the same as the body we will wear in eternity. Our bodies will be transformed by God into something suitable for eternity. It is beyond our ability to comprehend what those bodies will be like, but we can begin to understand what it will be like by looking at the way a seed is transformed into a new plant.


Job 12-15

    Job reacts to his friends arguments by pointing out that they are no better than he, which highlights an important thing to remember when we seek to comfort those who are suffering. We are not offering comfort when we speak and/or act as if we are somehow better than those we are attempting to comfort. It is important that we remember that sometimes only God can provide answers as to why someone is suffering, sometimes only God can offer comfort to those who are in pain. If we do not have specific examples of how a person has sinned, we should not accuse them of being a sinner. If they have sinned in secret, God will know and convict them.

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