August 22, 2022 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 45-48.

One of the things which one needs to remember about the Book of Jeremiah is that the prophecies in it were primarily recorded long after the fact and are not in chronological order.  For example, the message to Baruch was given before the fall of Jerusalem when Jeremiah was dictating his prophecies for Baruch to write them down, and the prophecy concerning Egypt occurred years earlier. I think the prophecy against the Philistines was given before the prophecy against Egypt, even though it follows it here.  As for the prophecy against Moab, we are given no clues as to when Jeremiah made that prophecy.  I like to note that this passage makes it clear that Jeremiah did not prophecy just against the Kingdom of Judah.  Additionally, we learn here that when God brought judgement against Judah, the destruction spread to the wicked nations around her as well.  We should remember that when God’s judgement comes, it comes to all who embrace wickedness.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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