August 21, 2022 Bible Study — Do Not Denigrate The Personality Of Those Who See God’s Will Differently

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 42-44.

After the assassination of the governor appointed by the Babylonians the people remaining in the land came to Jeremiah  requesting him to ask God what they should do.  Then when Jeremiah gave them God’s answer some of them accused him of lying.  Note that they did not say he had heard God’s answer incorrectly, they said he was lying.  So, they had gone to Jeremiah seeking God’s guidance, but when they did not like the answer he gave them they did not argue that he misunderstood God.  Rather than make a case that Jeremiah’s understanding of God’s will was wrong, they accused him of acting in bad faith.  Further, the same leaders who had approached Jeremiah in the first place were the ones who did so.  As best I can understand, they were hoping that Jeremiah would agree with their plan to take the remaining Israelites to Egypt and when he did not attacked him.  If they had argued that he said what he did because he was in the service of Babylon it would have at least had the virtue of being one interpretation of events.  Of course, that would have called into question why they went to him in the first place.  The leaders who led the people to Egypt did not make a case for it to be God’s desire that they go to Egypt.  Instead, they attacked the motivations of those who argued for them to stay in the land.  In the same way today, we should be cautious of those who make the case for their preferred actions by attacking the integrity of those who disagree with them rather than by arguing the merits of their course of actions and the liabilities of the opposing course of action.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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