August 20, 2022 Bible Study — Some People Thought Jeremiah Was An Agent Of The Babylonians

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 39-41.

In today’s passage Jerusalem fell, just as Jeremiah had predicted.  The Babylonians either killed or took into captivity everybody from among the elites.  The only people who were left to go about their lives were those who were “nobodies”.  Those were given vineyards and fields which had previously belonged to those who wielded power in Jerusalem.  I also find it noteworthy that Nebuchadnezzar ordered that Jeremiah be looked after by his commander and allowed to do what he chose.  Jeremiah had been imprisoned shortly before the fall of Jerusalem (and was still imprisoned when Jerusalem fell) because some of the leaders of Jerusalem thought he was a traitor in service to the Babylonians.  Those who imprisoned Jeremiah alleged that he was giving aid and comfort to the enemies of his nation.  They would have considered these actions by the Babylonians as confirmation of their suspicions.  We should bear this situation in mind when evaluating similar accusations against people today.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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