August 2, 2023 Bible Study — God’s Commands Reveal What Is Best For Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 48-51.

It has taken me a bit to get my thoughts together on today’s passage.  As a main thread, Isaiah writes that God has offered new prophecies about the future such that we cannot say that we already knew what was going to happen before He revealed it.  In particular he addresses this to those who invoke God, who present themselves as worshipers of the Lord, but do not do so honestly.  They have missed one of the most important aspects of why God reveals these things to us.  He does so in order to teach us what is best for us.  God revealed things that had not yet happened through His prophets in order that we might listen to what He tells us about what is best for us.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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