August 18, 2017 Bible Study — God Will Not Break His Covenant With Israel

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 33-35.

    Jeremiah prophesied that while God was telling him that Jerusalem and all Judah would be destroyed and desolate, He was also telling him that they would be restored. This restoration will bring renown and honor to God. He goes on to say that people throughout the world will be in awe and tremble at the prosperity of Israel in that day. Every time I read such prophesies I wonder if they are referring to modern Israel. Modern Israel is one of the richest countries in the world. Yet, the prophecy also says that God will provide Israel with peace and we have yet to see that happen. That is perhaps the one thing which gives me hope for the future of this world. God has said that there will come a day when Israel will have peace and prosperity. For that to happen there will need to be some major changes in the relationships between countries throughout the world. While I believe that aspects of Jeremiah’s prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus, it is also clear that the descendants of Jacob have a special place in God’s plans for this world.

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