August 15, 2024 Bible Study — Repent of Our Sins and God Will Relent of the Destruction He Has Decreed

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 26-27.

When Jehoiakim was king, Jeremiah prophesied to the people of Jerusalem and Judah that if they listened to God’s words and repented of their sins, He would forgive them and relent of the destruction He had planned for them.  But if they did not, He would bring desolation upon Jerusalem.  There was still time for them to turn from their sins.  God had declared destruction for Jerusalem, but there was still time for them to turn to Him.  Later, when Zedekiah was king, God sent Jeremiah with another prophecy.  If the people of Jerusalem would accept God’s judgement and submit to Babylon, He would spare their lives, but it was too late to maintain their independence.  The day when they could avoid God’s judgement had passed.  Their only choice was to accept, or suffer even worse.  I believe that today we are still at the point similar to Jeremiah’s first prophecy in today’s passage, but we are rapidly approaching the second.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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