August 15, 2017 Bible Study — Do We Condemn Those Who Prophesy Death and Destruction, Or Do We Repent of Our Sins?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 26-27.

    Jeremiah went to the courtyard of the Temple and prophesied that, if the people did not listen to the prophets whom God had sent to them and follow God’s law, the Temple and all of Jerusalem would be destroyed. The people who were worshiping in the Temple at the time were infuriated that Jeremiah said that the Temple and Jerusalem would be destroyed. They did not pay attention to the core of his message, which was that this destruction could be avoided if people would faithfully follow God’s will. Of course, that was because to do so would have been to admit that they needed to change their behaviors. It is worth noting that it was the religious leaders, and the most “religious” people who wanted to put Jeremiah to death for his prophecy, while it was members of the secular authorities who came to his defense. Which group do we find ourselves in? Do we call for the “death” of those who prophesy that destruction will come on our nation if we do not start following God’s law? Or, do we humbly repent of our sins and seek to identify where we have failed to do God’s will in our lives so that we can change?

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