August 14, 2019 Bible Study — Bad Leaders and False Prophets

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.  I am back from vacation, but back to doing my daily readings a few days earlier than planned.  I will continue to try to be a few days ahead so that I can publish on time if anything comes up.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 23-25.

Each year as I read through the Old Testament prophets I realize more and more how each section flows into the next.  For example, it is easy to look at today’s reading and see it as starting a new theme from Jeremiah separate from what came before.  But the fact of the matter is that Jeremiah’s condemnation of the leaders and prophets expands on his condemnation of idolatry among the people.  As part of his condemnation of leaders and prophets Jeremiah reminds us that all of the people abuse what power they have.  All too often when we condemn the abuse of power by leaders we forget that that the poor and oppressed use what power they may have over others to abuse them as well.  The leaders of society, both political and religious, have an obligation to lead with honor and righteousness.  However, the common people cannot expect their leaders to be honorable and righteous if they themselves are not.

Jeremiah condemns as false prophets those religious leaders who tell those who despise God’s word that they will have peace and those who follow their own desires that no harm will come to them.  I have heard those who say that God loves everyone, no matter what they believe or do.  They say that there are many paths to God and we should not presume that others need to follow the one which we have found.  There is truth to both of these statements, but both miss God’s message to us.  Yes, God loves everyone, no matter what they believe or do, but He wishes to bring them healing and love which will transform them.  If you believe that evil is good and good is evil you will continue to do things which harm both yourself and others.  God desires to show you His love and truth so that you will stop harming yourself through self-destructive behavior.  And yes, there are many paths to God.  If you truly seek God you will find Him, no matter what path you follow, but eventually that path will lead you to Christ and if you reject Christ when you come to Him you are rejecting God.  Those who claim to be speaking for God who claim that you need not come to Christ and need not stop self-destructive behaviors are liars

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