August 12, 2023 Bible Study –Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 16-18.

For the most part, Jeremiah prophesies that an unavoidable disaster is about to come upon the people of Jerusalem.  The people to whom he spoke feigned ignorance as to why God would allow that to happen to them.  Jeremiah pointed out that their ancestors had forsaken God’s law and that they had behaved even more wickedly than their ancestors, stubbornly following their own wills rather than obeying God.  Jeremiah goes on to condemn them for putting their trust in human beings while turning away from God.  He tells them that if they would put their trust in God and depend upon Him they would be able to face the coming disaster without need to fear.

Despite having repeatedly told Jeremiah that the coming disaster could not be avoided, God gives Jeremiah a prophecy telling the people how they can avoid it.  Jeremiah tells the people that if they keep the Sabbath holy, the predicted disaster will not happen.  God follows that up with a message asking if He does not have the ability to do as the potter, who changes what he is making out of the clay in the middle of casting the pot?  God reserves the right, and has the ability, to change His plans should those He made those plans for change their ways.  God tells Jeremiah that if the people, each one of them, turns from their evil ways and reforms their actions, God will turn the disaster aside.  However, God also tells Jeremiah that the people will say that it is of no use to do so and will refuse to change.

So, even now, as bad as it seems, and how inevitable disaster appears, God promises that if we, each of us, turn to Him, He will rescue us from the disaster our actions deserve.  As Jeremiah told the people of Jerusalem, we must return to keeping the Sabbath holy.  We must return to the days when we did not work, or do business, on Sunday.  Or, whatever day of the week you choose, just pick a day and spend it worshiping the Lord.  It might even be different days each week, but there should be a system to how you select the day.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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