August 12, 2021 Bible Study — Is The Day Of Disaster Inevitable?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 16-18.

I have written how, as I read through the Book of Jeremiah I wonder if we today have gotten to the point Judah was at when Jeremiah prophesied, to the point where God’s judgement could no longer be avoided?  The beginning of today’s passage makes me think that we have not yet gotten there.  God warned Jeremiah, and instructed him to warn others, not to have children in Jerusalem.  I do not get the sense that God is sending such a message today, at least, not yet.  Further, despite the constant drumbeat that disaster could no longer be avoided which Jeremiah’s prophecies contained, God gave Jeremiah the occasional prophecy that it is never too late.

“If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed,  and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.  And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted,  and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.”

Of course, at the same time God also warns that no society is so secure that it can turn its back on Him and survive.  Many people in our society today have chosen to turn from God and reject His will.  Our society is accelerating into the abyss.  I believe it is too late to attempt to salvage society, we must seek instead to reach individuals and convince them to turn back to God (or, perhaps a better way to put it would be to say, allow the Holy Spirit to convince them through us).  However, I also believe that if enough people are touched by the Holy Spirit, our society may still be saved from disaster.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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