August 10, 2018 Bible Study — The Worship of Idols

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 10-12.

    The beginning of this passage contains a description of building an idol. When I was a child I learned that people do not worship idols made that way any more. Now, as an adult I know people who do. The interesting thing about this is that at least some of those people complain about Christians rejecting science. It tells us a lot about human nature that this is happening in a society which also produced people who worship science.

    Jeremiah tells us that people who worship such “gods” are stupid and foolish. I believe that he is correct. However, the people I know who have taken up such worship have done so in order to establish a sense of community. This reflects poorly on the Church in America. Although I will say that part of their perceived need for this results from their a priori rejection of Christianity.

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