April 7, 2014 Bible Study — Store Up Treasures In Heaven

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Proverbs 12:21-23

    The wise do not boast about what they know, nor do they make an effort to convince everyone of their superior knowledge. Those who attempt to show everyone how much they know an any given subject instead reveal how foolish they truly are.


Psalm 78:32-55

    The psalmist reminds us how time and again the people of Israel rebelled against God, despite the wondrous acts which God performed in order to rescue them. Nevertheless God saved them once more when they turned to Him again. Let us strive not to follow their example. But even if we do, when we turn once more to God we can know that He will forgive our sins and welcome us back. Even so, let us remember that every time we turn away from God there is a risk that we will not turn back to Him before we meet our end.


Luke 12:8-34

    Jesus tells a story that reminds me of a bumper sticker that was popular for a while, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” This story tells us that the opposite is true; he who dies with the most toys, loses. Jesus goes on to point out that we should not worry about what we will eat, or what we will wear. God knows our needs and will provide for them. Rather than worry about material things, let us seek to do God’s will and serve His kingdom. If we do this, God will provide for our needs. Jesus reminds us to use our material possessions to serve God by assisting the poor and needy. By doing this we will store up treasures where they will last for eternity, rather than where they can only do us good for the short length of time which we will live.


Deuteronomy 31-32:27

    God told Moses that he was about to die. So Moses brought his assistant Joshua before the people of Israel and named Joshua as his successor. It is worth noting for every leader that Moses had trained Joshua for many years. Then when the time came that he would no longer be able to lead Israel he appointed Joshua to replace him. In addition to training a leader to succeed him, Moses left written instructions for the people of Israel, instructions which he had received from God. It is important that those who lead a group make provision for its continued leadership after they are no longer able to provide leadership.
    Moses wrote a song as part of his farewell to the people of Israel. This song reminds us that all too often when God blesses us with material possessions we forget Him and turn away from Him. This goes well with Jesus’ instruction to use any material wealth which we acquire to help the poor and oppressed. If we do not focus on using our material possessions to serve God we will end up serving our material possessions rather than God.

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