April 5, 2021 Bible Study David Had Faith That God Would Remove King Saul When The Time Was Right

Today, I am reading and commenting on  1 Samuel 21-24.

When we compare Ahimelek’s reaction to David arriving in Nob by himself with what happened later when King Saul summoned Ahimelek and his family before him, we get a pretty clear idea that King Saul was comparable to many modern day totalitarians in that he used fear to rule over the people of Israel.  It seems clear that Ahimelek feared that David had come to him under orders from King Saul to kill him.   I want to interject here that I have been struggling with what I wanted to write about this passage for some time now.

The relevance of this passage for us finally hit me when I wrote the previous paragraph.  Despite the fact that King Saul could be viewed as an evil ruler, David refused to kill him when offered the opportunity.  David recognized that King Saul was God’s anointed king over Israel and was therefore unwilling to kill him, even though David himself had been anointed by God to replace King Saul.  David knew that God would remove King Saul in His own time and was willing to wait for God to act.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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