April 30, 2017 Bible Study — Doing The Lord’s Will, Not For Gain, Nor For Glory

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Kings 5-7.

    Today’s passage begins with the story of the healing of Naaman. As I read it today I was reminded of the story I saw yesterday regarding the IRS raiding the offices of Benny Hinn Ministries. For those who do not know, Benny Hinn is a televangelist famous for his healing ministry. Benny Hinn has used his “healing ministry” to become fabulously wealthy. Benny Hinn’s behavior contrasts with what happened to Elisha’s servant when he went after Namaan to obtain those gifts…or perhaps it doesn’t. I am always suspicious of those whose only source of income is what they claim to be God’s ministry but live a life of luxury. All too many of the requests for money from televangelists and other professional ministries sound an awful lot like the story which Gehazi gave Namaan, “my master has sent me to tell you that two young prophets from the hill country of Ephraim have just arrived. He would like 75 pounds of silver and two sets of clothing to give to them.” On the other hand, there are times when those who serve the Lord need to ask for money to continue their ministry.

    Having written all of that, I want to go back and look at the primary point of this story. First, Namaan expected Elisha to treat him special because he was a man of importance. Further Namaan was upset that the task he was set to be healed was so pedestrian. He was willing to do something difficult and challenging, but he viewed washing in the Jordan River as demeaning. All too often we are the same way. We want God to call us to some grand and glorious ministry and view the one to which we are called as beneath us, or, perhaps, just not as a ministry. The lessons for us here are clear, God’s will for us is not about gain, nor is it about glory for us. Sometimes we will acquire wealth and sometimes glory from doing God’s will, but only when that also furthers God’s will upon this earth. If our reason for doing God’s will is gain or glory, we have missed the point.
    I really hope that you will read the entire passage because there is much to be learned from the parts I did not write about, but I have run out oftime.

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