I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here.
This is the account of Gideon’s defeat of the Midianites. God tells Gideon that he has too many men. That if the Israelites defeat the Midianites with that many men, they will take the credit for the victory themselves and not give the glory to God. Is this not a natural human tendency? We feel overwhelmed by our situation, we cry out to God and God sends us a message as to how we can and should act to get out of the situation. When things are resolved, we often take credit for our accomplishment, even though we only took action because of God’s prodding.

My New Testament reading today is Luke’s account of Pilate’s attempts to release Jesus and the crucifixion. Even as Jesus is in agony on the cross, He asks the Father to forgive those who put Him there. We are called to follow His example. Can we forgive, even as we are suffering from the wrong others have done to us?
The two men who were crucified alongside Jesus exemplify two different ways that people face hardship. I have known people like both of these. The first is the person who, even in the midst of suffering will mock all that is good and can only see it as having any value if it can do something for them. The second knows that they themselves were evil and deserve the suffering they are experiencing, yet will act to shield others from the same suffering. This story tells us that God recognizes such last minute repentance and will reward it. As long as we are aware of this world there is opportunity to repent and be forgiven.

Lately, I have been somewhat concerned because I see things happening in the world that call to my mind the Biblical prophecies of the end times. This passage reminds me that the coming of the Lord will be a cause for rejoicing for those who love Him.
break out in praise and sing for joy!…. For the Lord is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with justice,
and the nations with fairness.

Today’s proverb tells us that one does not learn anything useful by taking advice from those who are foolish. It also points out the importance of understanding the consequences of our actions.