April 24, 2023 Bible Study — Jeroboam Disobeyed God To Protect His Legacy, By Doing So, He Destroyed It

Today, I am reading and commenting on  1 Kings 13-14.

In yesterday’s passage the writer reported that Jeroboam set up a golden calf in Bethel and in Dan to discourage those in the Northern Kingdom from going to Jerusalem to worship God.  In addition, Jeroboam had shrines built at many high places and appointed people with no background in Scripture as priests (perhaps I am misinterpreting what the writer meant by what he wrote, but that is what I understand him to mean when he says that Jeroboam appointed priests who were not Levites).  Then, when Jeroboam was conducting sacrifices to the calf at Bethel, God sent a man to prophecy against him.  Jeroboam extended his hand to order the man’s arrest, but when he did so he suffered some kind of episode which prevented him from putting his hand down.  In response Jeroboam asked the man to intercede with God to restore the functionality of his hand.  However, Jeroboam did not recognize his sin and turn from it.  Rather, he asked the man, “Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.”  Jeroboam recognized God’s power, but refused to turn from the politically expedient idols he had chosen to worship and return once again to worshiping God.  God healed him, but the kingdom which Jeroboam had established and hoped to pass on to his descendants was given to another.  I want to make this point clear.  Jeroboam had set up the two golden calves to keep the people of his kingdom from going to Jerusalem to worship God, and deciding that they really owed fealty to the king in Jerusalem.  And he did this in order that his descendants might rule over those people.  While David’s descendants did not regain control of the territory Jeroboam ruled over, Jeroboam’s descendants were killed and another took the throne there.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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