April 24, 2015 Bible Study — It Is Good To Give Thanks To the Lord

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Proverbs 14:1-2

    This proverb says some basic things that are obvious, but reading between the lines tells us some things that are not so obvious. The first part tells us that the wise spend their time being constructive while the foolish are destructive. Thinking about it closer reveals that the writer is telling us that if we are not building, we are destroying. Let us make the effort to build our homes, our lives, our friends and acquaintances. Otherwise, we will be tearing those things down.
    The second part tells us that those who fear the Lord are upright and straight forward, while those who despise the Lord are devious and perverted. Ultimately, if you meet someone who is straightforward in their dealings with others, they fear the Lord (even if they do not know it). On the other hand, those who are devious and conniving despise the Lord, no matter what they say on the issue.


Psalm 92-93:5

    This psalm starts off with a statement that is so very true. It is indeed good to give thanks to the Lord. I have discovered that just giving Him thanks brings me joy. If you are feeling depressed, think of something, anything, for which you can be thankful. If you are alive there is something for which you can be thankful. Then, think of something else. Before very long you will find yourself feeling more positive. Proclaim God’s love in the morning and His faithfulness at night. By doing this you will not only hold depression at bay, but find joy coming into your life.
    The psalm, and the following one, go on to tell us part of why this is true. The first and primary reason is that if we truly look at what God has done, it will thrill us (it certainly thrills me every time I think about it). The psalmist goes on to remind us that God’s enemies will all be scattered and perish, while those who are godly will thrive. There is no evil in God and His reign lasts from before time began until after time is over. I will praise Him every day.


Luke 22:14-34

    It is interesting how quickly the disciples went from discussing who would betray Jesus to arguing about which of them was the greatest. This despite Jesus telling them repeatedly that the first shall be last. And once again Jesus responds by telling them that if they want to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven they should take the lowest rank, that those who want to be leaders need to serve others. Jesus came as one who serves, if we want to attain greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven we should do likewise. This lesson is one of the most important ones taught by Jesus. The thing about this is that the lesson is not that we should serve others in order to be the greatest. Rather the lesson is that we should seek how we can help others develop their greatness.


Judges 2:10-3:31

    The passage begins with a summary of the rest of the book from here out. After the generation which initially entered the land following Joshua died out, their children abandoned God and began to follow the practices of the people of the land. They adopted the evil practices of the people they dwelt among. As a result troubles came upon them. When faced with troubles they cried out to God, who then raised up a judge to lead them back to Him (and rescue them from their enemies). When the judge died, the people once more began following the practices of their neighbors.

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