April 22, 2014 Bible Study — Who Can Escape The Power of the Grave?

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Proverbs 13:20-23

    If you want to become wiser, spend your time with those who are already wise. If you spend your time with those who are foolish, not only will you begin to act foolishly, you will end up in trouble, even if you do not do anything foolish yourself (other than spend your time with fools). The earth produces sufficient food for all people to have enough to eat. It is injustice that leads to the poor going hungry.


Psalm 89:38-52

    The NIV version of verse 48 is appropriate a few days after Easter.

Who can live and not see death,
or who can escape the power of the grave?

The answer to the latter half of that question is Jesus, and those who trust in Him. God’s enemies mocked(still mock) His Anointed One and denied (and many still deny) that He could escape the power of the grave. Yet Easter morning is testimony to the fact that He did escape that power.


Luke 21:1-28

    Luke’s version of the widow’s offering gives me an insight into what Jesus was teaching here that I have never noticed before. The widow gave only a very small amount of money, but to God it was worth more than the vast amounts given by others. Her offering’s value was because she trusted God enough to give even that which she needed to live on. She trusted God to provide for her needs. While those more wealthy gave large amounts of money out of that which was in excess of their needs, still retaining wealth in excess of what they needed to live. This is an important lesson for us, we should give until we feel it. The proper amount to give is complicated and I think God is leading me to flesh out my thoughts on this subject.
    Jesus tells the disciples about the coming destruction of Jerusalem. As we read His account of the events that led up to the destruction of Jerusalem (something which was still in the future as He spoke), we should recognize that He is describing what happens during the lead up to every great calamity. Surely, what He says is very similar to the world leading up to WWI and WWII. Jesus warns us that as the world is turning towards such things those who follow Him will be persecuted. They will be arrested, tortured and put on trial. If we are faithful to Christ, we will be persecuted. It may be in minor ways, or it may be to the point where we give our lives for our faith, but if we are faithful we will be persecuted by those who refuse to believe. Whatever persecution we face, let us face it with joy because it will provide us with an opportunity to present the Good News of Christ to those who have not yet listened (they may have heard, but did they listen?).


Joshua 24:1-33

    In this passage is one of the great calls to dedicate ourselves to God. It contains elements of a sermon that every pastor should preach regularly. I am not sure how often, but over half of the congregation should remember the last time he preached it. This is a message for those who claim to be the servants of God.
    First Joshua points out all of the good things which God had done for the people of Israel. Then he declares that they should fear God and serve Him with all of their being. Let us destroy all of those things which we are tempted to worship in place of God, those things which lead us to act in ways other than those which God commands. If we are not willing to make that commitment than we need to decide what gods we are going to worship instead of God. That is the only choice we have. Either we worship God wholeheartedly and single-mindedly, or we acknowledge that we would rather worship something else. Today is the time to decide.
    There are times when we need to decide as a group, but even then we can follow Joshua’s lead. He told the people of Israel that they needed to decide. But no matter what they decided, His decision was made. He, and His family, would follow the Lord. I ask that you say his statement with me today:

As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.

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