April 2, 2014 Bible Study — The Harvest Is Great, But The Workers Are Few

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Proverbs 12:11

    Those who work hard will have enough to meet their needs. It is foolish to chase after get-rich-quick schemes or other fantasies.


Psalm 74:1-23

    When troubles seem great and God seems far away, this psalm is a reminder that others have felt as we do with even greater reason. Let us remember what God has done in the past and trust that He will act on our behalf. Things seemed dark to the psalmist, yet he did not lose faith. In times of trouble, I will follow his example.


Luke 9:51-10:12

    In this passage Jesus tells those of His disciples He was sending out as His advance team to pray that the Lord send out workers into the harvest. This passage causes me to look around me today and think that, “Yes, the harvest is great and the workers are few.” There are so many today who need to hear the word of God preached, yet there are few who are preaching it. I pray to God that He send more out to preach His Good News. I, also, feel guilty when I read this, because I do not preach the Gospel more. So, I pray that God show me what He wants me to say to whom and when He wants me to say it. And I pray that I have the courage to say it.


Deuteronomy 21-22:30

    This passage reminded me of a saying I heard as a child, “Finders keepers, losers weepers.” This passage reminds me that it is my duty to God to do my best to return things I find to their original owners. I have an obligation to help those whose transportation has broken down. It is not acceptable to God for me to see someone in difficulty and just go about my business as if nothing had happened.

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