April 16, 2015 Bible Study — Do We Think We Are Good People?

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Proverbs 13:7-8

    You should not judge people by the front they put up, some people will pretend to be richer than they are, some people will pretend to be poorer. Let us treat the rich and the poor the same, judging people by the results of their actions, not by who they pretend to be.


Psalm 85:1-13

    Two phrases stood out to me in this psalm: “Now restore us again, O God of our salvation.” and “Won’t you revive us again,” I find myself praying to God for restoration and revival. I spent some time trying to compose deep thoughts about how that all tied together, but I will settle for that.


Luke 18:1-17

    Jesus reminds us of the importance of being persistent in our prayers. When we see injustice in this world, let us cry out to God in prayer day and night until he brings justice. And not just about injustice, but whatever need we see in this world, let us persistently cry out to God that it be met. Perhaps the most interesting thing about this parable of Jesus is how He concludes it. After telling us to be persistent in asking God for justice, Jesus asks how many He will find on earth with faith when He returns. There is a connection between having faith and continuing to cry out to God for justice day and night. Do we have enough faith to keep asking God for the changes we desire in this world? Even when nothing seems to happen?
    The next parable which Jesus told is further instruction on praying. The Pharisee was busy telling God ho good he was. The tax collector was busy asking God for mercy. Do we recognize that we are sinners, or do we think we are good people? Being a Christian is not about being a good person. It is about knowing that you are not a good person and that you need God’s mercy.


Joshua 13-14:15/a>

    Today’s passage begins by telling us that Joshua was an old man by the time the things recounted here take place. After describing the lands yet to be conquered and how the land was to be divided up, it tells us that Caleb came to Joshua for permission to claim his portion. Caleb was a contemporary of Joshua and had been one of the twelve spies whom Moses sent to scout out the land. Caleb was the only one, aside from Joshua, who advised the people to enter the land at that time. Caleb was forty years old when he spied out the land. Now forty five years later he was going to lead the conquest of the land that would be his and his families. At 85 years of age, Caleb was still a warrior for the Lord. Will I still be fighting for God’s causes when I am 85? I pray that I am.

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