September 4, 2015 Bible Study

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Proverbs 22:17-19

    Yes, it is important, and valuable, to listen to the words of the wise. They will bring you great rewards. However, how do you know whose words are wise? The writer answers that for us as well. The wise will teach you to trust the Lord. So, when someone offers you “words of wisdom”, consider whether those words will teach you to trust God before you take them to heart.


Psalm 48

    How great is the God we worship, He is deserving of praise and honor. The rulers of the nations of this world may join forces to oppose Him, but when their massed armies see God, they will fall to their knees and worship Him. I will strive to show God to all whom I encounter.


2 Corinthians 7:8-16

    There are times we have to tell people hard truths which will cause them pain. We should not be eager to do so, but we must be willing to do so when it is necessary. There is another side to that. When someone tells us a hard truth which causes us pain, if it is indeed the truth, we should not be angry with them. Instead we should feel sorrow that we were acting in that way. However, sorrow is not enough. We need to then change our behavior.


Ecclesiastes 7-9

    There are a lot of statements in this passage worth noting:

  • A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume.
  • Better to be criticized by a wise person than to be praised by a fool.
  • Finishing is better than starting.
  • Patience is better than pride.
  • Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool.

There are more, but those were the ones which stood out to me today.
    The writer goes on to tell us that the wicked are sometimes honored as righteous, but nevertheless those who fear God are still better off than the wicked. Another point the writer makes is that no matter how bad your life may be, you should take joy in whatever you can because you will only be alive for a short period of time.

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