September 8, 2019 Bible Study — The Failure of Leadership

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 34-36.

Today’s passage begins with a condemnation of the shepherds of God’s people.  I believe it was intended for both the secular and religious leaders of Israel, but I think it applies very well to the religious leaders of today (there are exceptions, just as there were probably exceptions in Ezekiel’s day).   Ezekiel describes leaders who are perfectly happy to profit off of their position as leaders, but unwilling to do anything to help those whom they lead.   Ezekiel addresses the failure of leadership to care for the weak, tend the sick, and bind up the injured.  Perhaps his greatest condemnation is that they have failed to go looking for those who have wandered away and become lost.  All too many of those whom God has called to be leaders of His people put more emphasis on taking care of themselves rather than on taking care of the people who have been placed in their care.  When this happens God takes away His people away from these leaders and provides for them Himself.  We can see this happen again and again throughout history.  The failure of the leadership of the Catholic Church to care more about their own comfort than about caring for the common people led to the Reformation.  We see it today in the decline of many denominations in the United States where the leadership is more concerned with their political agenda than with the needs of the common person.  You also see it today in the rise of psuedo-religions which prey on those whom Church leaders have failed to reach out to and guide back to God’s love.

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