September 7, 2018 Bible Study — God Does Not Wish For The Wicked To Perish, And Neither Should We

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 32-33.

    Ezekiel continues his prophecy against Egypt at the beginning of today’s passage. The only thing I will add to what I wrote there is that the downfall of world powers becomes inevitable when their rulers start to believe that they do not need to answer to God. Ezekiel lists off other world powers which had suffered the same fate as the one he is prophesying for Egypt. Ezekiel’s warnings should be taken to heart by those who are in political leadership (but probably won’t be).

    Once again God tells Ezekiel that he has been called to be Israel’s watchman. I believe that we too are called to be watchmen (and women) for the people around us. God has called us to give His message to those around us. He has made us responsible to warn them of the consequences of their sins, but note that he has not made us responsible for changing their behavior. Some of us will be given the ministry of speaking to those who have rejected God. Some of us will be given the ministry of speaking to those who have lived righteous lives up until now. Our message is the same in either case. If those who have sinned turn to God from their sin and allow Him to transform them, God will redeem them. If those who have walked with God turn from Him and begin to sin, He will send destruction upon them. If we fail to tell sinners that God is calling them to change their ways, we may as well have joined them in their sin. If we give them God’s warning and they do not change their ways, God will not hold us accountable. But think of the joy if we give them God’s warning and they repent of their sins!
    I want to focus on the main point of the watchman metaphor. God does not expect us to change people’s behavior. He expects us to warn them of the consequences of their behavior and allow them to make up their own minds. It is not my job to convince others of God’s truth. It is merely my job to tell them of it.

    Finally, let us be well aware that many of them will be laughing at us. When we warn them that God will bring judgment upon them for killing their innocent children in the womb, they will laugh at us. They may come to us and ask us to speak solely so that they can be entertained by the “ridiculous” things which we believe. Nevertheless, let us be faithful and continue to give them the message which God gives us. When the results which God has told us come to pass, they will know that we spoke God’s words. And some of them will see the truth in time and turn to God. Remember, God does not desire that the wicked should perish, or even suffer. He desires that they turn from their sins and do good. We should desire the same.

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