September 5, 2019 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 27-28.

Ezekiel prophesied that Tyre would fall despite its great wealth.  The king of Tyre viewed himself as a god and thus felt that he needed answer to no one.  But I get the impression that the pride Ezekiel talks about was not just that of the king of Tyre, that the people of Tyre thought that they too needed answer to no one.  Their trade and wealth made them think that they were secure.  The people of Tyre were convinced that no one would attack them because everyone would lose more by Tyre’s destruction than they would possibly gain.  They thought that they were wiser and more knowledgeable than everyone else.  Unfortunately for the people of Tyre, God brought against them someone who did not calculate value the way that they did.  An important lesson here is that not everyone is motivated by wealth and the things which wealth can buy.

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