September 5, 2018 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 27-28.

    Ezekiel continues his prophecy against Tyre in today’s passage. He spoke of the many advantages which Tyre had and the good decisions made by its rulers. All of which resulted in great wealth coming to the city. However, the rulers of Tyre became arrogant and believed that they had god-like powers. The city of Tyre had trade with every nation on earth. They thought that that trade made them immune to attack. Further, they thought it made them unaccountable for their sins. Other cities and nations relied on military strength for security, Tyre relied on economic power. The lesson we learn here is that economic power does not provide security. The only source of sure security is relying on God. Anything else we put our trust in will fail us in God’s time.

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