September 30, 2019 Bible Study — Are Our Church Services For Us, Or For God?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Zechariah 7-10

Zechariah asks an important question.  When we take part in religious activities and events, both celebratory and mournful, are we doing so for God, or for ourselves?  How we feel about and treat others who also take part in such activities will tell us the answer to that question.  God calls us to show mercy and kindness, and to love justice.  Let us not snark at those who are not “up to our standards” at a worship service or other religious activity.  Let us not do anything to make them feel out of place.  Instead let us honor them for their attempt to serve and worship God.  That does not mean that we do not instruct those who act inappropriately, but let us make sure that we do so out of love for them and not out of our own selfish pride.  There is a lot more to be learned from this passage, but I am going to stop here for today.


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