September 3, 2020 Bible Study Am I Called to Stand in the Gap? Or to Rebuild the Wall?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 22-23.

As I have been reading Ezekiel I have seen parallels between the condemnation Ezekiel made of Jerusalem and our modern society.  Yet, as I look at what is going on our society does not look as if it has reached the point of facing God’s judgement as Jerusalem was when Ezekiel prophesied.  Then I began reading today’s passage: “You despise my holy things and violate my Sabbath days of rest.”  It goes on from there describing other sins which I see around us today.  Which led me to wonder if I am misreading how close God’s judgement is today.  Then I came to the end of chapter 22.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I believe our society today is at the stage before God got to what he said to Ezekiel at the end of chapter 22.  Right now things are bad, but God is still looking for someone to rebuild the wall of righteousness, for someone to stand in the gap in the wall.  I am not sure those two things are the same.  It seems to me that some of us need to stand in the gaps in the wall, while others among us begin the work of rebuilding that wall.  Are you willing to do your part?  Perhaps your part is calling out sin for the harm it does to those who practice it, especially among those who claim to worship God.  Or, perhaps your part is lovingly working with those who have been hurt by the sin in their lives to show them how God can heal them.  In the first case, you will be standing in the gap and the Enemy will strike at you in an attempt to bring you down.  In the second case, you will be doing the hard work of rebuilding the wall, a task which has little glory and is very strenuous.

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