September 27, 2021 Bible Study — God Will Bring To An End Those Who Plot Against Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Nahum and Habakkuk.

Both of these books were written about the same time and contain prophesies foretelling the same events.  Nahum describes how Nineveh will fall because its people opposed God, While Habakkuk writes about Babylon suddenly rising and destroying the Assyrian Empire.  Nahum asks if Nineveh is any better than Thebes, a clear reference to when the King of Assyria had sacked Thebes a generation earlier.  As I said, Habakkuk speaks of the sudden rise of Babylon, which had been soundly defeated by that same King of Assyria.

Nahum tells us that God will bring down Nineveh because of the cruelty of the Assyrians.  Habakkuk writes that Assyria’s power was built on stolen goods and unjust gain. Both prophets speak of how the fall of Assyria will be good news to those who seek the Lord.  I really meant to spend more time writing about how these passages applies to us but I got caught up in the weeds about the prophetic nature of them. Nahum reminds us that God is a refuge in times of trouble and cares for those who trust in Him.  Habakkuk tells us to rejoice in the Lord because He will bring down the violent and cause justice to prevail.  Both prophets speak a message which tells us to put our trust in God during times of turmoil.  We may not see how it can happen, but God has plans to bring the powerful to justice.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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