September 27, 2018 Bible Study — God’s Power Will Over Come

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Nahum 1-3 and Habakkuk 1-3.

    The other day I said that Obadiah was unique in being the only prophet whose prophecy was entirely against a nation other than Israel or Judah. I was mistaken. I had completely forgotten that Nahum prophesied against Assyria. There are two elements to Nahum’s prophecy. One element is directed at the people of God. As bad as things look and as powerful as their enemies appear, God will come to their rescue. The other element is directed at Assyrians (and their successors as world powers). No matter how powerful you may think that you are, and no matter how many allies you think that you have, if you make yourself God’s enemy, your destruction will soon follow. Today, I am reminded of the Chinese government’s recent crackdown on Christians worshiping God. They have chosen to be enemies of God. I believe that if this policy continues for more than a few more months, we will soon see the collapse of the Chinese government.

    Habakkuk’s prophecy is directed at the people of Judah, but also at the powerful throughout the world. He condemns the proud and arrogant who believe that their cunning, strength, wealth, and/or connections will allow them to take advantage of others. They believe that their cunning will keep them from ever being caught. If by some chance they are caught, they believe that their power and wealth will keep them from paying a consequence for their evil actions. God’s justice may seem long in coming, but we must be patient because it is sure. Even when times are dark and things look bad, let us rejoice and praise the Lord. His power will overcome.

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