September 24, 2021 Bible Study — We Pay A Price When We Profit From The Suffering Of Others

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Amos 6-9 and Obadiah.

Amos continues his prophecy against the Northern Kingdom of Israel in today’s passage.  I was going to start with the prophecy about the plumb line, but as I composed my thoughts I realized I was not sure what I understood it to say reflected what it was intended to say.  So, I decided to speak about Amos goes on to condemn those who joyously sing worship songs while eagerly awaiting the end of the service so that they can get back to cheating others.  Those who live such lives and do not turn to God will bring terrible destruction upon themselves. And yet, for all of the doom and gloom which Amos preached, he ended on a note of hope.  A time of destruction is coming to those who refuse to turn from their sins, but God will bring a time of plenty for those who turn to Him.

Now let us turn our attention to the short book of Obadiah.  I believe that Obadiah is the only Old Testament prophet who prophesied entirely against nations other than Israel or Judah.  He primarily prophesied against Edom, but there is a small bit against the Philistines.  Obadiah condemns the people for two things, pride and epicaricacy (or taking joy in the misfortune of others).  He tells them that they will suffer because they proudly thought that they could take advantage of the people of Israel (or Judah) when they were overrun.  They took joy when their neighbors suffered and they profited from that suffering in ways which increased the suffering.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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