September 24, 2020 Bible Study Relaxing At Ease While Ignoring What Is Truly Going Wrong

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

So, leading up to our anniversary, I wished my wife happy anniversary for 20 days culminating on our anniversary yesterday.  I was tempted to continue for 20 more days, but decided not to do so.  However, since I am writing these a few days in advance, I am going to thank my wife on here every day until I am writing on the day after our anniversary

Thank you for marrying me. Darling!

Today, I am reading and commenting on Amos 6-9 and Obadiah.

The primary target of Amos’ prophecies was Israel, the Northern Kingdom, but today’s passage includes warnings to the elite of both Jerusalem and Samaria.  He warns that they were more concerned with enjoying their luxuries than with the threats to their nation, threats which their actions exacerbated. I see too many people today who are more concerned with their comfort and ease than with doing the right thing.

I was originally planned to do a completely separate section on Obadiah, but as I read it I saw that it really continued the theme.  Obadiah prophesied that the people of Edom thought themselves safe because they lived among the cliffs in a place which was difficult for an enemy to gain access.  They thought that from such a fortress they could safely do harm to others.  Amos spoke of those who put their trust in wealth and Obadiah of those who put their trust in fortifications.  In both cases, they thought these things would protect them from the consequences of their sin.  The same is true today.  There are people who think their wealth will keep them safe from the trouble they stir up, and others who think they are protected from the same trouble by their physical location.  Instead of putting our trust in things of this world we need to put our trust in God.


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