September 22, 2019 Bible Study — Come Together In Prayer and Fasting

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joel 1-3.

I have said this before, the Book of Joel is unique.  It is the only one of the prophets who does not prophesy about a foreign nation invading Israel (or Judah).  Instead the inspiration for Joel’s prophecy was a locust swarm which overwhelmed the nation.  Or perhaps, the locust swarm was similar to the insect invasions we sometimes see today where an invasive species appears in one location and spreads out from there.  I am not sure, but perhaps the locusts had swarmed over one portion the land and the people had reason to believe that they would spread from there to completely wipe out the crops throughout the land.  In any case, whether the locusts had devastated the whole land or just a portion, Joel uses this as an opportunity to call the people to repentance, prayer, and fasting.  Christians in the United States do not gather for times of prayer and fasting nearly enough.  I know that I do not do either nearly as much as I should.  

From time to time, I wonder why we do not see God’s miracles more today.  I think the Book of Joel provides an answer to that question.  We will see God’s miracles when He pours out His Spirit on us.  God will pour out His Spirit upon us when we pray and fast in mourning for the sins we have committed and that we see around us.  Let us come to the Lord in prayer and fasting in order to prepare our hearts for His Spirit.

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